- Summer's day at Takapuna Beach Ifrom $17.25
- Animals at Ambury Park IIfrom $17.25
- Animals at Ambury Park Ifrom $17.25
- Sports Stadiumfrom $17.25
- Boating on Waitematā Harbourfrom $17.25
- Hunting Lodge Helicopterfrom $17.25
- Travelling on motorwayfrom $17.25
- Auckland Rainbow Cycle Pathfrom $17.25
- Sea birdsfrom $17.25
- People enjoying Takapuna Beachfrom $17.25
- Sheep grazing Cornwall Parkfrom $17.25
- Road to the summitfrom $17.25
- One Tree Hill Summitfrom $17.25
- Tranquility and serenity of Cornwall Park IIfrom $17.25
- Tranquility and serenity of Cornwall Park Ifrom $17.25
- Starry nightfrom $17.25
- Moody Port Hills IXfrom $17.25
- Moody Port Hills VIIIIfrom $17.25
- Moody Port Hills VIIIfrom $17.25
- Fishing from boardwalkfrom $17.25
- Urban coastal walk boardwalkfrom $17.25
- Yachts and boats off Hobsonville Pointfrom $17.25
- Soccer groundsfrom $17.25
- Suburban streetfrom $17.25
- Boat marinafrom $17.25
- Vintage Red Car Vfrom $17.25
- Skateboarding at local skatepark IIIfrom $17.25
- Vintage Red Car IVfrom $17.25
- Skateboarding at local skatepark IIfrom $17.25
- Vintage Red Car IIIfrom $17.25
- Skateboarding at local skatepark Ifrom $17.25
- Vintage Red Car IIfrom $17.25
- Vintage Red Carfrom $17.25
- Surf beachfrom $17.25
- Athletic track and stadium IIfrom $17.25
- Athletic track and stadium Ifrom $17.25
- Views from Mt Maunganui/Mauao IIIfrom $17.25
- Township and beach viewsfrom $17.25
- Sea viewsfrom $17.25
- Views from Mt Maunganui/Mauao IIfrom $17.25